My comrades and fellow 3 readers/friends — I had something for last week’s blog, something delving into what reparations and returning of Native American land, etc. could look like. Big daydreaming type of stuff. I need to get a little more informed, some distance after the constant onslaught of the last four years... I think 2020 gave more and more people the gift of engaged outrage, and I don’t want that to go unexplored. I think having these hard conversations with EVERYONE will help dispel the fear of loss or shouldering of untenable guilt. In our nations history, rarely is the right thing ever done the first time, much less ever. I hope that 2020 has changed us so that unseeing the atrocities we enact for money is no longer possible, and thus we heartily crave change, compassion and community over capitalism and partisan government.
But that’s another week. So let’s double mask it (2 for the on coming anny of our covid rich lives) and get this party started. (Because we can only party virtually for the foreseeable future)
Though as I write this my hologram tarot cards have yet to actually be in my hot lil hands...I’m exceedingly optimistic about this new endeavor. It feels strange that I’ve never journeyed down the tarot path, but there must be something in the air. As soon as I started germinating thoughts of wanting better tools for self reflection, investment and discovery, breadcrumbs began to appear. My pals in the newly happening “Sunday Sessions” (more on that next) are some witchy wonderful wunderkind. Needless to say they had lots of the starter info I was seeking. After trying to heed my girl Angie’s advice I sought out an oracle deck, but as soon as holograms entered the stage, I hada dive right in! Turning to youtube I found Mystic Rainn! Got the run down on the Maj Arcana and the overall story of the cards. Tooks loads of notes and a few things struck me. The religious tones of the cards and characters, don’t love, and the very gendered approach it all takes, boooooo. I’m really interested in the tapping into self through tarot practice and hopefully I’ll be able to read Teagan Woo’s tarot too! Also now I’m craving a youtube channel with a BIPOC trans tarot teacher, a lil a la Erykah Badu’s character in What Men Want…
I’ve lived quite a few places and had deep friend roots in most. Silver linings playbook for me in this pandemic rife living, is reconnecting with pals virtually. The past two Sundays my pal from here [steamboat] and my pal from st.pete and moi have been just hanging out on zoom. Working on no pressure creative projects. (Although last Sunday I just ripped bongs and asked them about tarot.) The first Sunday we hung out [virtually] they bombarded my brain with horrifying animal encounters while I was playing with watercolors. It’s low key my fucking FAVE! I’m very self entertaining, but just hanging with pals is hard to be without, the connecting, spending of time,’s the best. So if you’ve been putting off hollering at some pals, or want to vibe out with me -- DOOOOOO ITTTTTTT. It’ll be awesome & also chill.
Despite us being in a raging pandemic with few signs of relief. The ending of (for now, but hopefully 4eva] 45’s term was like getting out of a toxic as shit fuckboi situation. But it’s also not like totally over, right? Or rather we’ve just been in this constant on guard dread cycle for so long, it’s hard to trust that it’s actually over. Regaining that sense of relief has been slow to show up. Maybe because the GOP is a bunch of shitty fuckboi enablers and the reality is yeah, we have a more reasonable leader, but still totally entrenched in the system, that is RACIST and sells out the people that built it [physically, right? No say in constructing gov]. Not to mention no mention of Native Americans and the genocide amerikkka has wrought. We have so much blood and shit on our hands, but instead of dawn soaping the shit out of them, we’re just building ontop of the blood shit foundation. I’m grateful for Biden’s awareness and mentioning of Trans people, but it’s not enough. SO the JOY in this, is the comedown. While not “easy” the simple reminder that it’s over for at least 4 years, helps my ass feel better about waking up each endless numbered covid day. ALSO the general “wokeness” that the last 4 years brought forth -- I’ll happily take that too!
I have the coolest partner. Bb is a jock to the max (all the sports) but also really creative and follows through. With his team sports being NAH b/c covid and the snow here being kinda meh, he has turned a portion of our Lake Pond into an ice rink! It’s become such an excellent outlet & activity! He floods it, shovels constantly, checks ice depths (12” +) and builds ice stuff. Wanting a way to engage more without too much risk of my bod, we developed an ice pond game for the winter. BOCCECURL. We’re both nuts for curling, but the point of access, even for plastic curling stones is nahhhh. There’s also not a lot on the net for diy curling hacks. After some youtubing we landed on freezing water jugs (arrowhead seems best, as vetted by Bb) and adding food coloring for each teams set. [Now upgraded with led lights for night boccecurl.] The rules are pretty basic, hybrid of bocceball & cornhole with a curling element (stones/frozen jugs). It is also built in to be socially distant with 1 household team on opposite sides. With the current RoCo covid numbers Bb and I will be playing each other, as it’s not recommended to be cavorting with anyone not in your household, even outside & double masked. YA HEARD?! Please for the love of the 90’s be BETTER! STEAMBOAT, I’M LOOKING AT YOUUUUUUU!
Young Bloods Collective is a non profit supporting endeavors of creative and cultural in the Yampa Valley. The collective turned 4 this year and it’s WILD to look back and see what it is today. Covid has cut down virtually all of our programing but also given us a unique opportunity to regroup, reassess need and evolve. The current board members (incld moi) have been on the board since the beginning. In it’s 4 years, the board duties and work (unpaid b/c non profit) have been pretty intense. We hada get the dream afloat. But now! Now is the time to be on the board, big dreams are possible and the work load is very minimal, everything is also virtual, thus opening up the org to the world and not just the Yampa Valley. My ongoing plea for creatives in the Valley & beyond is to get involved. Join a non profit board, be active in participating in change.
I’m here to tell you, it’s not as daunting as it may seem! Keep in mind everyone, I repeat, EVERYONE is making this up as they go. Why not lend your time, talents, thoughts, perspective to a board. YBC board was my first and currently only board I’ve served, and it’s been such a huge part of my life. In good and bad ways, working with people isn’t always easy, and they throw shit at you that’s not yours, but you gotta ride it and work through. Even if you don’t think you're creative, maybe you excel at organization, typing, taking notes, accounting, event planning, website, graphic design, soosh meeds… We NEED YA! The board needs new blood, new passion, new ideas for us to move the org forward.. Monthly board meetings are open to the public, just email Young Bloods Collective to get the link (1st Tuesday of the month 5:30-6:30 pm on zoom). We are holding board elections for 2021 on 1/31. Official applications are open through 1/30. However we accept board members on a rolling basis all year. Get out of your total comfort zone and help keep a unique non profit functioning and supporting the community in meaningful ways.