“All mixed up, you don't know what to do, Next thing you turn around and find the person is you // Thought a freak might be the thing But you know this will pass, so just get off of your ass // You've got to trust your instinct And let go of regret…”
311 song: ALL MIXED UP
Let the music of the 90’s (& moi, BRIE KOLE) be your guide through a creative mixed media extravaganza!
In this workshop we embrace the creative flow with a variety of media, giving yourself permission to CREATE! Let go and get into your FLOW!
Employing inks, markers, collage, transfers, acrylic, watercolor, stamps and more! I’ll kickoff our sesh demo-ing different techniques and then set yas to your exploration. There’s no wrong way, no need for straight lines, just bring your curiosity!